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3 Tips to Keep Your Relationship Alive in Quarantine

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One life change that quarantine has landed on our collective front doorstep is that many of us are spending plenty of extra time with our significant other.

Of course, more quality time spent furthering our relationships is fantastic, but let’s be uncomfortably real here: Those extra hours of togetherness can sometimes come with a teensy downside, as more time spent together can mean things getting a bit stale. 

If that’s happening in your relationship, you needn’t sweep it under the proverbial carpet. So, what are the secrets for keeping things interesting amid quarantine? Here are a few life hacks to keep your relationship alive. 

1. Rediscover the Joy of Playing Board Games

Binge-watching TV shows is undoubtedly one of the best ways to soothe away life’s more depressing realities right now. But all those hours mindlessly spent on the couch is a passive way of passing the time or even spending time with others. Indeed, it might be high time to set the remote aside and dive into the geeky joys of a good board game.

If you thought, “Ugh, like Monopoly?”, you may have missed the dazzling renaissance in board gaming that has blessed those of a nerdy disposition these last few decades. With little more than a pretty board, jaunty-looking figurines and a few dice, you too can terraform Mars, conquer invading goblin hordes, or even craft jewelry for the royal court — assuming goblins aren’t your thing. 

Yes, it’s nerdy! But it also allows you to spend hours with friends figuring out things together, both cooperatively and competitively.

2. Spice Things Up — Duh!

I mean, of course. This has to get a mention, because a bit of intimate fun can energize every corner of a relationship. We’re all guilty of lounging around the house in comfy jim-jams for some serious home relaxation time. It’s a joy of life! But sometimes, when intimacy beckons, that Sesame Street onesie just isn’t going to cut it.

Lingerie may not answer all of life’s frustrations, but it's never a bad idea when it comes to rejuvenating the raciness in a relationship. Need some inspiration? Dressing down to some dreamy lingerie confections can get things started in a hurry. And if lingerie isn't enough to spice things up in the bedroom, this guide has some marital aid ideas to try. You, and your partner, are welcome!

3. Make Cooking a Team Sport

Now, you don't need to craft a three-course meal every night in order to save money and avoid being around others during the pandemic. But, if you can carve out a few evenings in the week to cook a meal as a couple, it can yield spectacular relationship dividends.

Indeed, it can be rewarding to make a meal together that's both delicious and nutritious. Plus, it doesn't hurt to become less reliant on takeout. Additionally, it can be fun to mess around in the kitchen, crafting weird and wonderful cuisines while listening to music and sipping a glass of wine.

Most Importantly, Just have Fun Together

Quarantine doesn't — and certainly shouldn't — doom your relationship to a life of humdrum, Sesame Street onesie-clad routine. If you feel things are a bit stale, talk about it together and deal with the challenge head-on. Even a few little changes like these tips may be all it takes to reignite that magic. Have fun!

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